Core Values

Lansing for Palestine is an organization centered on the idea that everyone is entitled to the same opportunity and resources regardless of background including: place of birth, ethnicity, nationality, religion, class, sex, gender, sexuality, ability, or skin color. We understand that all forms of oppression are intimately linked and that freedom from any oppression is incomplete without freedom from all oppression. For this reason, the following core values guide our work. We will take responsibility and make necessary changes when our actions are not in line with our core values. 


Racism is a central component to Palestinian oppression and to US settler-colonialism. We recognize our responsibility to be actively anti-racist as we live in a historically and contemporary white supremacist society. Western countries have deep roots in the use of racism and eugenics to justify crimes against humanity including slavery, genocide, apartheid, and colonial exploitation. We call for the right of their victims, including descendants, to full reparation.


We acknowledge that the project of Israel is not rooted in Judaism, but Zionist settler colonialism. Colonialism has historically relied on cultural constructions of “civilization” and racial superiority in order to justify crimes against humanity. We recognize that the United States was built on these same premises, including the racist ideology of “manifest destiny,” to justify the colonial genocide of over 100 million Indigenous First Americans. Most recognize this as an insidious historical calamity of colonialism that peoples and nations would never repeat. However, not only do we see this happening in contemporary Palestine, but the weapons of settler colonialism including white supremacy, racism, cultural destruction, forced displacement, and genocide, are being actively reinforced by the poltical policies of Israel and other nations, namely the United States. Our work centers solidarity with Indigenous and Native peoples, recognizing that colonialism and its imperial nature is at the heart of U.S. support for the ongoing occupation of Palestine.


As the founders of this organization come from many cultural backgrounds, each with its own unique history of oppression and resistance, we recognize that all of our struggles against oppression are connected. Our actions are mindful of the intersections between all forms of oppression, inequality, discrimination and social othering. To that end, we resolve to be attentive to our community’s needs in Lansing, to end homelessness, police brutality, xenophobia, ableism, transphobia, homophobia, and all other forms of oppression. We know these are not separate struggles. We honor the solidarity we’ve received from those affected in these communities in the foundational stages of the organization and will remain committed to returning the solidarity in their struggles. We understand solidarity as transformative practices that build relationships and collective power.


We know that oppression arises in our individual thinking, interpersonal relationships, institutions, and socio-cultural norms. This commonly manifests as racism, anti-semitism, Islamophobia, sexism, classism, ableism, and homophobia, among others. We strive to interrogate and change the social imbalances that give one identity group more power than others based on that identity. We are opposed to all forms of oppression. The only way to move forward is through connected struggle.  


We strive to create a welcoming and accessible space inclusive of anyone committed to organizing for Palestinian liberation. We recognize that creating an accessible space for organizing means taking deliberate steps to address issues that may limit some from participating. We are committed to learning how best to meet the accessibility needs of our members so that they can fully participate in the efforts and mission of the group.

Transparency, Privacy, and Security

We believe that transparency, privacy, and security are integral aspects of long-term organizing. We are especially mindful of oppressive structures that may seek to intimidate organizations focused on activism and advocacy. We are sensitive to Palestinian American organizers and activists who are often targets of racist Israeli doxxing and blacklists (i.e. The Canary Mission) which can put their family in the U.S. and Palestine at risk, and threaten their right to return. For these reasons, we respect the privacy and anonymity of any member who wishes to participate, while still striving for transparency in our operations at the organizational level.

Cultural Responsiveness

We acknowledge that those who most acutely understand the roots of Palestinian oppression and how to address it, are those who endure it. Our decisions are grounded in knowledge, experience, and solutions derived by and amongst our diverse and intersectional community, including the diverse Palestinian community. We aim to build trust by acknowledging and interrogating our own positionalities and privileges, and centering the voices of the oppressed in our strategic planning, decision-making processes, and goals as we work in solidarity toward our shared liberation.

Social Justice

We recognize our responsibility to actively oppose injustice. We are committed to strategically advancing structural, relational, and transformative change. Our actions are grounded in equity-informed approaches that seek to remove obstacles to achieving equal access to fundamental human rights, self-determination, and freedom for the Palestinian people. 
